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Universal Parameter Space Description and Tools.




Create a simple ParamSet using all supported Parameter Types:

  • integer numbers ("int")
  • real-valued numbers ("dbl")
  • truth values TRUE or FALSE ("lgl")
  • categorical values from a set of possible strings ("fct")
  • further types are only possible by using transformations.
ps = ParamSet$new(
  params = list(
    ParamInt$new(id = "z", lower = 1, upper = 3),
    ParamDbl$new(id = "x", lower = -10, upper = 10),
    ParamLgl$new(id = "flag"),
    ParamFct$new(id = "methods", levels = c("a","b","c"))

Draw random samples / create random design:

generate_design_random(ps, 3)
#> <Design> with 3 rows:
#>    z         x  flag methods
#> 1: 1  7.660348 FALSE       b
#> 2: 3  8.809346 FALSE       c
#> 3: 2 -9.088870 FALSE       b

Generate LHS Design:

#> Loading required namespace: lhs
generate_design_lhs(ps, 3)
#> <Design> with 3 rows:
#>    z         x  flag methods
#> 1: 1 -3.984673  TRUE       b
#> 2: 2  7.938035 FALSE       a
#> 3: 3  1.969783  TRUE       c

Generate Grid Design:

generate_design_grid(ps, resolution = 2)
#> <Design> with 24 rows:
#>     z   x  flag methods
#>  1: 1 -10  TRUE       a
#>  2: 1 -10  TRUE       b
#>  3: 1 -10  TRUE       c
#>  4: 1 -10 FALSE       a
#>  5: 1 -10 FALSE       b
#>  6: 1 -10 FALSE       c
#>  7: 1  10  TRUE       a
#>  [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 18 rows ]

Properties of the parameters within the ParamSet:

#> [1] "z"       "x"       "flag"    "methods"
#> $z
#> $x
#> $flag
#> [1]  TRUE FALSE
#> $methods
#> [1] "a" "b" "c"
#>       z       x    flag methods 
#>       3     Inf       2       3
#>       z       x    flag methods 
#>       z       x    flag methods 
#>       1     -10      NA      NA
#>       z       x    flag methods 
#>       3      10      NA      NA

Parameter Checks

Check that a parameter satisfies all conditions of a ParamSet, using $test() (returns FALSE on mismatch), $check() (returns error description on mismatch), and $assert() (throws error on mismatch):

ps$test(list(z = 1, x = 1))
#> [1] TRUE
ps$test(list(z = -1, x = 1))
#> [1] FALSE
ps$check(list(z = -1, x = 1))
#> [1] "z: Element 1 is not >= 1"
ps$assert(list(z = -1, x = 1))
#> Error in ps$assert(list(z = -1, x = 1)): Assertion on 'list(z = -1, x = 1)' failed: z: Element 1 is not >= 1.


Transformations are functions with a fixed signature.

  • x A named list of parameter values
  • param_set the ParamSet used to create the design

Transformations can be used to change the distributions of sampled parameters. For example, to sample values between 23 and 23 in a log2-uniform distribution, one can sample uniformly between -3 and 3 and exponentiate the random value inside the transformation.

ps = ParamSet$new(
  params = list(
    ParamInt$new(id = "z", lower = -3, upper = 3),
    ParamDbl$new(id = "x", lower = 0, upper = 1)
ps$trafo = function(x, param_set) {
  x$z = 2^x$z
ps_smplr = SamplerUnif$new(ps)
x = ps_smplr$sample(2)
xst = x$transpose()
#> [[1]]
#> [[1]]$z
#> [1] 0.125
#> [[1]]$x
#> [1] 0.4137243
#> [[2]]
#> [[2]]$z
#> [1] 0.5
#> [[2]]$x
#> [1] 0.3688455

Further documentation can be found in the mlr3book.