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Generate a grid with a specified resolution in the parameter space. The resolution for categorical parameters is ignored, these parameters always produce a grid over all their valid levels. For number params the endpoints of the params are always included in the grid.


generate_design_grid(param_set, resolution = NULL, param_resolutions = NULL)





Global resolution for all Params.


(named integer())
Resolution per Param, named by parameter ID.



See also


ps = ParamSet$new(list(
  ParamDbl$new("ratio", lower = 0, upper = 1),
  ParamFct$new("letters", levels = letters[1:3])
generate_design_grid(ps, 10)
#> <Design> with 30 rows:
#>         ratio letters
#>  1: 0.0000000       a
#>  2: 0.0000000       b
#>  3: 0.0000000       c
#>  4: 0.1111111       a
#>  5: 0.1111111       b
#>  6: 0.1111111       c
#>  7: 0.2222222       a
#>  8: 0.2222222       b
#>  9: 0.2222222       c
#> 10: 0.3333333       a
#> 11: 0.3333333       b
#> 12: 0.3333333       c
#> 13: 0.4444444       a
#> 14: 0.4444444       b
#> 15: 0.4444444       c
#> 16: 0.5555556       a
#> 17: 0.5555556       b
#> 18: 0.5555556       c
#> 19: 0.6666667       a
#> 20: 0.6666667       b
#> 21: 0.6666667       c
#> 22: 0.7777778       a
#> 23: 0.7777778       b
#> 24: 0.7777778       c
#> 25: 0.8888889       a
#> 26: 0.8888889       b
#> 27: 0.8888889       c
#> 28: 1.0000000       a
#> 29: 1.0000000       b
#> 30: 1.0000000       c
#>         ratio letters